Argus Mills Paterson NJ

68 low to moderate-income households in Paterson NJ developed at the Argus Mills.

Argus Mills Paterson NJ
City of Paterson NJ
Paterson NJ
Surface Area

About the project

Located in the city’s Great Falls Historic District, the project will revitalize the historic mill building to create six affordable two-bedroom apartments and construct a new four-story apartment building nearby for 68 low- to moderate-income households. In addition, there will be programming space for the Grandparents Relatives Care Resource Center (GRCRC), a Paterson nonprofit that will provide supportive services to residents, and a new parking deck in coordination with the Paterson Parking Authority.

The $26 million project is being developed by leading affordable housing firm WinnDevelopment and the Argus Ellison team of Owen Tonkins and Daryll Tyson.

What was included in the project?

All 74 apartments will be low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC)-eligible affordable and moderate-income housing, with 52 units targeted to families earning less than 50% of the area median income (AMI) who hold vouchers from the Paterson Housing Authority. The remaining 22 units will be moderate-income apartments for families earning less than 80% of the AMI. Fifty-four of the new apartments will be two- and three-bedroom units, creating needed space and flexibility for larger families.

In addition, the development will set aside units for multigenerational households.

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